Santa Paula Union High School Class of 1966

Missing Classmates

We do not have current contact information for the classmates listed below. Some have drifted out of contact or moved away or remarried and have changed names, but we'd still like to find them. If you are able to put us in touch with anyone on the list we'd appreciate it. Please drop a note with any leads you may have to MISSING CARDINALS and we'll follow up.

Christine Boyette (Reed) 

Martin Bustillos

David Cardoza

Sandra Carlson (Roina)

Alma Cervantes

David Collins

John Driggs

Melba Dunehew

Scott Edwards

Janet Gorden

Charles Guthery

Lorraine Harris (Barkton)

Gretchen Henkel

Jody Holyfield

William Howard

Larry James

Roy Johnson

Patricia Kunze

Richard Porras

Nancy Richards

Robert Robinson

Carol Ruiz

Betty Sevilla

Thomas Shevlin

Karin Silhelmina

Michael Timmons

Charles Tull

David Emerson

Ila Farmer

Christine Frettum

Alice Garcia

Mary Macias 

Donna Marshall (Cortan)

Joe Martinez

Cheryl Meredith

Helen Moore

Lilia Vanegas

Maria Vela

Ermalinda Vera (Ramos)

Linda Williams

Lawrence Wood

Terry Navarro

Fran Perez

Richard Pfister

Penelope Pickens

Linda Piper